Meet Michael Shatravka

Michael Shatravka, Personal Brand & Content Strategist

For the past decade, I’ve worn every conceivable hat in the media industry, ranging from actor to camera operator to directing and producing full-blown marketing campaigns. This hands-on experience has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the entire creative process, from A to Z.

Throughout this time, I’ve had the privilege of working with hundreds of entrepreneurs across various sectors, creating tens of thousands of pieces of content tailored to resonate with their target audience. I saw firsthand how content played a tremendous impact on their business, allowing them to leverage themselves by a thousandfold.

What I also learned is that your story is your most powerful asset, and personalizing your content is the easiest way to pierce through the noise on social media. And that’s exactly where I come in. I help you tap into your unique story, extract all its value, and position you as a trusted expert in your field, inspiring others to engage and take action with your brand!

So whether you’re just starting out or looking to carve out your piece of the market, I’m here to guide you every step of the way with my expertise and passion. Let’s have a chat and bring your story to life. Schedule a quick strategy session today!

Million-Dollar Lesson: Why I Ditched Cameras for iPhones After a Decade Behind the Lens

After nearly a decade of creating social media content for small businesses, I noticed a troubling pattern: each year, my videos received less engagement. Despite their professional appearance, featuring attractive models and on-point messaging, something felt off, and it bothered me deeply. It seemed like content that would have gone viral years ago barely managed to break a few hundred views now. It felt like society was evolving, and my videos didn’t matter anymore.

Feeling burned out from putting all this effort into content that barely made an impact, I initially blamed myself. I questioned if I’d lost my touch as a videographer or if my clients were lacking marketing strategy. However, tired of depending on others for my success, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I became a co-owner of an exotic car rental business in Miami. You’re probably wondering, “How the hell does a videographer pull that off?” Truth be told, I’m still figuring it out myself. Why did I do this? As a videographer, I didn’t really have much control over the marketing process. Even if I made the best video, I could never be certain it was promoted properly. So, I felt compelled to become an actual business owner to have a say in the marketing efforts. Sound crazy, right??

Our strategy was simple: associate our exotic rental fleet with the ultra-luxurious Miami VIP lifestyle – concierge services, yachts, mansions, club scenes, and beautiful women. Leveraging old contacts to gain access to these locations, we aimed to create the most luxurious, cinematic content imaginable, expecting a flood of inquiries! But reality had other plans. After posting those videos, there was nothing but crickets… Despite featuring hot girls and lavish settings, and having top-of-the-line cinematics, we were barely able to rent out our Ferrari’s for a measly $400. It was a blow to my ego.

As we sat there for the rest of the week, waiting for the phones to ring… idly scrolling through Instagram…my partner suddenly said, “You know, this Ghostwriter guy is trending big time… what if we got in on this?” And that’s when a bunch of light bulbs went off in our heads. (FYI: Ghostwriter was this anonymous individual using AI technology to mimic Drake’s voice and create a viral hit song without Drake even knowing, it was a HUGE controversy).

Immediately, we dressed up our office admin, Pablo, as “Ghostwriter” and stuck him in a yellow Ferrari 458 Spider with the top down (you could say Pablo had the best office job in the world). The aim of this marketing stunt was to cruise around the streets of Miami, hoping people would recognize “Ghostwriter” and view it as some sort of celebrity endorsement for our business.

To my surprise, it worked like a charm. Every passing car was yelling “GHOSTWRITER” and singing the “Heart on my sleeve” lyrics. And the cherry on top? Everyone filming us was unknowingly fanboying over Pablo (Ghostwriter) and sharing the videos all over Instagram, which even led to us being featured on @onlyindade (a viral community page that showcases scandalous events in Miami).

The next day, we woke up to thousands of views, at least a hundred DMs, and even famous rappers inquiring about our exotic rentals. You could say for the rest of that week, we milked those Ghostwriter videos harder than Ghostwriter!

And that’s when things finally started to click for me. I realized nobody gives a f*ck about “professional” cinematic videos. My biggest problem was that I never experienced wild success with content, and now I finally had something to compare it to. I realized the issue was that these pro videos were boring, and the market was so oversaturated with them.

Right now, people were craving something RELATABLE, something RELEVANT, something REAL. And you know what the best part was? We didn’t have to spend a penny on any of this! No advertisements, no paying influencers, no expensive productions; all of this hype was generated using our phones. And from that point on, I said f*ck all this fancy camera sh*t; it’s gonna be only iPhones from here on out.

Aaaaand a few months later, things came crashing down just as quickly as they came shooting up, the party was over. Long story short, we were trying to scale too fast, bleeding overhead, and failing to find the right product-market fit (I’ll save the full story for another time). I was pretty bummed out; you could even say it was rock bottom for me. I lost a ton of money, was struggling with obesity, and found myself back at square one, feeling like a total failure.

For the next month, I took a break and disconnected from everything, trying to figure out where I went wrong, how I could have done things differently, and if there was any meaning to this… I thought about all the people I had met—many of them were multi-millionaires; some were even kids in their twenties. What was interesting is that when you actually met them in person, you realized they were just regular ass people. The only difference was they had learned how to use social media to leverage themselves.

It made me think back to the “Ghostwriter” stunt, how we generated all this hype with minimal effort by tapping into something relevant. As I looked closer at all these successful people, I saw the one thing they all had in common was taking whatever trends were happening in society and figuring out a way to apply it to their brands to make it relatable to their audience. They were doing it in an authentic way that felt completely genuine, almost as if they were speaking straight from the heart, appearing unscripted and effortless.

I was also getting to the point where I was tired of sitting around and wanted to get back into the game. The only problem was, I didn’t want to go back to old ways of doing business. I was tired of spending time and money at bars and networking events just to make a few connections. Plus, this whole exotics venture caused me to fluff up and gain 30 lbs. It all seemed like such a wast of time, when I could be using my iPhone to make videos from home, and reaching thousands of people. And I missed spending time with my wife and baby girl, I wanted to be much closer to them. So, I made a promise to myself that I was going to figure out this social media stuff and be 100% digital by next year.

At that moment, I understood that if I wanted to become some sort of online figure, I had to get my house in order and start with myself. I had been battling extreme weight loss and obesity my entire life, and now I was so fat that I couldn’t even walk a block without huffin’ n puffin’. So I set a goal out to lose 100 lbs over the next year and document the whole thing on Instagram, for the ultimate form of accountability! I posted my first video on August 8th, 2023, announcing to the world what I was going to do… and it racked up a few hundred views…

For the first few months, I was posting, every… single… day… Sharing my progress, my workouts, the food I was eating –  just a bunch of talking videos… and they didn’t seem to be getting much attention… even though I felt like I was being genuine and authenticSomething was still missing. Then I started trying everything; different camera angles, silly skits, different hooks, all sorts of gimmicks just hoping something would stick…

After a few months, my videos were getting slightly better, but still barely able to hit a thousand views. and something still felt off… There was this 18-year-old kid I was following, he was also doing a weight loss transformation, but his page was growing stupid rapidly. I’m talking like gaining 100,000 organic followers in a month! So, I sent him a DM, congratulated him on his success, related to his weight loss struggles, and even ended up making a friend! Pretty soon I hired him for a consulting engagement cause I wanted to know what he was doing, and he sounded pretty hype some adult off Instagram was gonna pay him money (I think I may have been his first customer) BUT THE ADVICE HE GAVE ME WAS GOLD. Kids nowadays are getting too smart… It was so simple… So obvious… He helped me understand that my content sucked because it lacked storytelling!

Right after the call, I implemented those tips so fast! And within a few hours… my video was getting thousands of views! All these nofifictations coming, it was crazy, I felt like a mini influencer! And then I had RANDOM people from all over the world DMing ME! I thought I was just some fat guy trying to lose weight… But some how my videos were INSPIRING PEOPLE! It was incredible, yet so hard to believe, but at the same time my page was growing AND I was losing weight (already was down almost 40lbs)!

And during this period, I wanted to learn more about how I could monetize, so I joined a private Facebook community called “The One Percent” where they teach people how to build a successful online e-commerce business. This community really helped connect all the dots when it came to my career… because now I FINALLY understood what real branding was. And it wasn’t some fancy logos with graphic design, no, no, no –  it was much deeper than that.  GOOD BRANDING SIMPLY MEANT SHARING WHAT MATTERS TO YOU. And one of the biggest perks of this community was having direct access to seven-figure entrepreneurs to learn from. Many of them had also followed me on Instagram to witness my weight loss journey. So it was a boost of motivation to go even harder!

At one point, I noticed all these people doing fitness challenges, so I figured I mind as well start one; 1 Stair Step for Every 1 Follower. And just like that… my account blow up over 15K ORGANIC FOLLOWERS in less than a week! Talk about getting in on the trend! And as a bonus, my posts were now getting tens of thousands of views, some even reaching over 500,000!

The sudden growth caught the attention of everyone in the group, who started asking what I was doing. So we jumped on Zoom and I witness their awakening. I could see everything click for them, everything was making sense…. Then more and more people started asking me, so I figured I put together a quick crash course. Honestly, I felt obligated to share this information because it took me 14 Years to finally figure this stuff out,  and I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone! So I put together this FREE training on How to Document Your Journey on Instagram, now available to watch on my YouTube channel.

Now after all these years, I could say I finally cracked the code to viral storytelling on Instagram. This has led to a surprising new discovery of my newfound passion for teaching, showing people how to make sense of all this, with practical steps they can apply!

Now I’m working with entrepreneurs, teaching them how to leverage authentic content to build relatable brands and amplify their business through Instagram! If you’re ready to learn more about how I can help you do the same, click to book a strategy call!

I’ll see you at the winners club.



© 2024 Michael Shatravka. All Rights Reserved.